Hey Wboro

A place-based visual identity campaign that aims to encourage and activate the Millenial generation of Walterboro, South Carolina to use the nature-based opportunities that exist in the area.


The City of Walterboro is a small town found in the Lowcountry of South Carolina. With a population of just over 5,000, it’s a quaint town with a rich history rooted deep in southern culture and is known as the “front porch of the Lowcountry.” Walterboro was founded in 1783 when two brothers sought solace from the work and heat of their rice plantation in Charleston. Since then, it slowly fluctuated in population as others looked for a place to rest. Today, the town is known for the historical buildings that are still standing, the sense of community the city aims to achieve, and the plethora of opportunities to connect to nature. 


Walterboro is positioned as an environmental jewel that serves as the gateway to other nature-based centers in the state and as a catalyst for the greatly expanding ecotourism market. Located within the ACE Basin, the East Coast's largest estuarine preserve, Walterboro is home to a 600-plus acre Sanctuary that features what may be the only "braided creek" swamp accessible to the public. However, the area is challenged with not taking full advantage of what is available to them. The abundant, yet underutilized, natural resources have an important stake in developing a city-wide strategy for promoting ecotourism to boost its economy. This project explores how a place-based visual identity campaign can activate the millennials in Walterboro to engage with nature-based opportunities in the area. Additionally, a project brief and brand guidelines pdf was created.

See the Brief here.

See the Brand Guidelines here.


InDesign, Illustrator, Figma


Research, User Audits, Interviews, Project Brief, Visual Identity System, Pitch PDF, Brand Guidelines PDF

Researcher, Interviewer, Project Brief copywriter, Visual Identity System designer, Pitch PDF designer, Brand Guidelines PDF designer


Interviews, Brand Guidelines, Brand System, User Research, Social Media Strategy

Project Aspects


